
Nassim Haramein - misterios antiguos

If you are not yet familiar with 's exciting work, prepare yourself for an exhilarating odyssey into hyperspace and beyond. Haramein, who has spent his lifetime researching fields of physics from quantum theory to relativistic equations and cosmology, will lead you along a fascinating discussion geared to a layman's understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe and creation that includes black holes, gravitational forces, dimensions, and the very structure of space itself - all of which are integral parts of his now-complete Unified Field Theory. Haramein's theory is currently in peer review process for publication in physics journals; however, the presentation does not end with the introduction of his theory alone, but includes the discussion of the path that he took to arrive at his views, which weaves between the texts and monuments of ancient civilizations, biology, chemistry and the primordial role of consciousness - all of which lend further credence to the science behind the theory

apuntes varios - historia prohibida

A William Fell, que descubrio OGHAM = el alfabeto druidico irlandes en una inscripcion de Norteamerica!!!!!, ..
le dijeron los del Smithsonian que tenia que escribir que "los indios americanos tomaban sustancias alucinogenas y lo escribieron con un pelotazo" en vez de reconocer las conexiones evidentes ... Este hombre no lo hizo, y lo echaron de su puesto de trabajo.